List of Evernight characters

This is a list of characters from the Evernight series which includes Evernight (September 2008), Stargazer (March 2009), Hourglass (March 2010) and Afterlife by Claudia Gray.


Main Characters

Bianca Olivier

Bianca Olivier the lead protagonist of the Evernight series and appears as the narrator in the series which is written in First person. It is revealed that she was born to vampires because of help from wraiths so is half vampire and half wraith.


In Evernight she is revealed to be a half vampire. She falls in love with Lucas although it is revealed he is a member of the ancient vampire hunting group Black Cross. He is forced away from Evernight and later Bianca runs off with him, he tells Bianca that he still loves her even though she is a vampire.

They meet up with the rest of Black Cross but later Bianca's parents turn up and take her back home. She reluctantly goes with them. A few days later she receives a letter through Vic from Lucas telling her that he will always love her and they will meet again.


In Stargazer she is stalked by wraiths and is nearly killed several times. She receives a letter from Lucas asking her to meet him at Amherst train station. She sneaks off campus telling everyone that there is a meteor shower so she can camp on campus. Bianca meets Charity who is Balthazar's sister. Lucas attacks Charity who runs away when the rest of Black Cross arrive which forces Bianca to spend the rest of the weekend at Black Cross HQ.

Bianca is caught by Balthazar while sneaking back who agrees not to tell Mrs. Bethany as long as he helps her find Charity. Evernight is later attacked by Charity while an attack by Black Cross is being carried out. Bianca, Raquel and Lucas leave Evernight to go to Black Cross HQ but are attacked by Charity. Charity is pushed against a tree and staked on a sharp branch. They leave and Bianca reluctantly agrees to join Black Cross.


In Hourglass Black Cross is attacked by Mrs. Bethany and several members of Evernight including Balthazar who is captured. Bianca and Lucas help Balthazar escape without being caught. When Bianca is feeding Raquel and Dana walk in and although they agree not to say anything, Bianca is woken in the night by Black Cross who tie her up and begin to torture her. Lucas is also splashed with Holy water and burns because he has fed Bianca. Lucas and Bianca escape with the help of Dana.

When Lucas is following a rogue vampire to a hotel room he realizes that Charity, Balthazar's sister, is staying close by with her clan who the rogue vampire belongs to. He escapes and later he and Bianca tell Balthazar that Charity is near by. Bianca and Lucas begin to run out of money so go to Vic for help who allows them to stay in the basement. On Bianca's birthday Lucas takes her to the planetarium where they are attacked by wraiths. While staying in Vic's house Bianca becomes increasingly weak and ill. Bianca realizes that she must kill a human and become a full vampire otherwise she will die. Although she could have killed Lucas who offered himself to her as long as she did not let him rise, she dies and becomes a wraith.

She is met by a wraith named Maxine who tells her that she is powerful due to her born status as a wraith. She is told she can form a body by holding objects she has bonded to in her life including her brooch and her coral bracelet which were both made of once living material. Lucas with Ranulf and Vic who have returned from holiday agree to assist Balthazar in killing charity. They track her down to a rundown cinema. While Bianca is solid she is injured by Charity who throws a shard of iron at her which is weakening to wraiths, causing her to loses her solidity. Charity, Bianca and Lucas are alone and as Bianca is powerless she pins down Lucas before draining his blood killing him. Charity leaves and Balthazar and Ranulf arrive who tell Bianca of Lucas's fate, he will become a vampire.


When Lucas rises from the dead, Bianca manages to convince Lucas to return to Evernight to seek help for his bloodlust. Bianca's parents are told that their daughter has died to which they blame Lucas. While in the library Bianca is trapped in a trap set by Mrs Bethany to trap wraiths. She is freed by intruding into Lucas's dreams. Bianca while following Lucas until she can appear to him is trapped by Patrice using a mirror who frees her but finds out everything about how she died and how Lucas became a vampire.

Bianca and her father are reunited and he accepts her for what she is before helping Bianca tell her mother. Her parents also realize Mrs. Bethany is up to something so agree to help Bianca and her friends to search the school for the traps set by Mrs. Bethany and to free the wraiths on the night of the autumn ball.

Bianca goes to visit Christopher, a powerful wraith, and he tells her that she could be used as a bridge between the human world and world that wraiths inhibit before they can reach heaven. She agrees to think about it before returning to the human world. She later witnesses Lucas being told by Mrs. Bethany about how vampires can be resurrected to human form although it involves the sacrifice of a wraith when the mixture of both supernaturals blood happens. Lucas disagrees and leaves.

Bianca is trapped in a powerful trap and feels like she has been trapped for days before being released into a large room which was designed to trap and weaken wraiths. Mrs. Bethany reveals that she plans on killing Bianca to become human again but her plans are stopped when Lucas and her parents arrive. Bianca cannot escape from the room so possesses Skye who allows her to. Bianca helps the other wraiths to leave the human world. Mrs. Bethany traps Maxine who had warned her parents so Bianca knows she must help her. Bianca calls upon Christopher who is revealed to be Mrs. Bethany's husband before he was murdered, who switches place with Maxine and is destroyed as Mrs. Bethany's cottage collapses killing her too. A battle ensues with the vampires who planned to help murder Bianca and her fellow wraiths. Lucas is gravely wounded but Bianca drinks his blood and he drinks hers. There blood infuses and Lucas is resurrected to human life. The series finishes after Bianca reflects on the rest of her eternal life as a bridge between worlds for the wraiths.

Lucas Ross

Lucas Ross is the love interest of Bianca and secondary protagonist of the Evernight series. Lucas is part of the infamous Black Cross vampire slayer group and was inducted by his mother who has a strong disdain for vampires.


Lucas Ross is a new student at Evernight Academy, and he soon befriends Bianca and Vic who is his roommate. At the Autumn Ball after Balthazar asks Bianca to go with him, he and Balthazar get into an argument, and Balthazar leaves them alone. Outside, under the gazebo, she and Lucas kiss for the first time. Bianca gives in to temptation, bites Lucas and drinks his blood. After she realizes what she did, she screams for help.

When Lucas awakens he is unable to remember the event. Lucas and Bianca declare their love for each other. Lucas eventually discovers Bianca is a vampire, but she is a child of two vampires and he accepts this.

After they have been dating for weeks, Bianca mentions that one of Lucas' ancestors went to Evernight, but no humans have ever been accepted to the school before, except a Black Cross member. Her parents and Balthazar realize this and attack, but Lucas holds his own against two vampires and they chase him off campus. Bianca runs off with him, and even though he has been raised to hate all vampires, he still loves Bianca. They meet up with the rest of his team, and Black Cross accept her, believing that she was stolen as a baby.

Bianca's parents turn up and take her back home because they do not understand. She reluctantly goes with them. A few days later she receives a letter through Vic from Lucas telling her that he will always love her and they will meet again.


Bianca receives a letter from Lucas by Vic, as Bianca's mail is being searched for this exact reason, so they cannot keep in regular contact. The letter tells Bianca to meet Lucas in October at the Amherst train station.

Bianca tells everyone there is a meteor shower so that she can camp out on the grounds to watch it. Really she is going to see Lucas. She hitches a ride in the laundry truck into Amherst and is walking along to find Lucas when a young vampire girl joins her in her walk. She is afraid of someone following her, and Bianca thinks she looks so lonely and innocent that she cannot refuse. They arrive at the train station and Lucas follows shortly after. He sees the girl with Bianca and thinks she is going to harm her. It turns out that Lucas had been the one following the vampire girl and she is very frightened. She attacks Lucas and wants to kill him, but Bianca stops her in time. Lucas calls for the rest of the Black Cross to come, so Bianca tells the girl to run away. She escapes before the Black Cross arrives, and Bianca and Lucas share the weekend at the Base Camp, as Black Cross does not know she is a vampire. Bianca and Balthazar make an arrangement; they pretend to be dating so Balthazar could get her off campus, since he is a trusted student, so she could meet Lucas while in return Bianca and Lucas help Balthazar find his sister, Charity which they do.

An attack on the school by Charity and her clan while an attack by Black Cross is taking place leads Bianca, Lucas and Raquel to leave the school and head to Black Cross HQ. On their way out of the school they meets Charity who they think will kill them but as they prepare to run she is pushed against a tree and staked by a sharp branch. Although Lucas wants to finish her off he cannot find anything to destroy her with so agrees to leave her. When at Black Cross HQ Raquel volunteers to join and Bianca later agrees to join.


Bianca, Lucas and Raquel are now living in the New York Black Cross cell. Mrs. Bethany later stages a break in to the Black Cross cell to retrieve Bianca. Several members of Black Cross are killed including Lucas's step father Eduardo whose neck is broken by Mrs. Bethany. In the attack Balthazar is captured and tied up by Black Cross who begin to torture him to find out why Mrs. Bethany attacked Black Cross. Bianca and Lucas begin orchestrating Balthazar's escape which they do so without getting caught.

After the break in by Mrs. Bethany, Bianca needs to feed so they go to a hospital to get blood for Bianca from the blood bank. They are interrupted by Raquel and Dana who realize that Bianca is a vampire as she is feeding. They both promise not to tell anyone but Bianca is woken in the night after someone told the Black Cross cell about Bianca's vampirism. She is tied up and burnt with holy water but Lucas is also splashed who burns due to him feeding Bianca. Dana helps them escape and gives them some money but tells Black Cross they escaped.

After Lucas realizes there is a dangerous vampire in the city they are staying in he decides to hunt it. Lucas finds the rogue vampire but after following him to a hotel room realizes that Charity, Balthazar's sister, is staying close by with her clan who the rogue vampire belongs to. He escapes and later he and Bianca tell Balthazar that Charity is near by.

Bianca and Lucas begin to run out of money and go to their friend Vic for help who allows them to stay in the basement. On Bianca's birthday Lucas takes her to the planetarium where they are attacked by wraiths. They both escape and later get jobs. While staying in Vic's house Bianca becomes increasingly weak and ill. Bianca realizes that she must kill a human and become a full vampire otherwise she will die. Lucas offers to allow Bianca to kill him but she refuses as he would not agree to rise with her.

Bianca appears to Lucas telling him about her becoming a wraith. Lucas, Ranulf and Vic who have returned from holiday agree to assist Balthazar in killing Charity. They track her down to a rundown cinema where they fight and kill several members of her clan. While Bianca is solid she is injured by Charity, causing her to loses her solidity. Charity, Bianca and Lucas are alone and as Bianca is powerless she pins down Lucas before draining his blood killing him. Charity leaves and Balthazar and Ranulf arrive who tell Bianca of Lucas's fate, he will become the one thing he despises, a vampire.


The novel begins when Lucas rises from the dead and assisted by Balthazar and Ranulf, Bianca manages to convince Lucas to return to Evernight to seek help for his bloodlust before it is to late and he is consumed by it. After his return Mrs. Bethany offers him shelter much to the annoyance of his fellow pupils. While in the library Bianca is trapped in a trap set by Mrs Bethany to trap wraiths. She is freed by intruding into Lucas's dreams. Lucas is set to go onto a trip to the local town to which Bianca is going to accompany him. At the cafe Lucas is attacked by several Black Cross members including his mother who leave after the police are called and although no one is harmed Lucas is shaken up. Bianca and her friends agree to search the school for the traps set by Mrs. Bethany and to free the wraiths on the night of the Autumn Ball. While the ball is taking place several human students are possessed by wraiths who are angry and confused as to what is happening at Evernight.

Lucas is told by Mrs. Bethany about how vampires can be resurrected to human form although it involves the sacrifice of a wraith when the mixture of both supernaturals blood happens. Lucas disagrees and leaves as he does not agree with the Morality of it.

Bianca is trapped in a powerful trap before being released into a large room which was designed to trap and weaken wraiths. Mrs. Bethany reveals that she plans on killing Bianca to become human again but her plans are stopped when Lucas and her parents arrive. Bianca cannot escape from the room so possesses Skye who allows her to.

A battle ensues with the vampires who planned to help murder Bianca and her fellow wraiths and friends. Lucas is gravely wounded but Bianca drinks his blood and he drinks hers. There blood infuses and Lucas is resurrected to human life and back to happiness.

Balthazar More

Balthazar More is the friend of Bianca and at one point in the series her love interest. He is a vampire and has been one for over four hundred years. He is described as handsome and extremely popular amongst his peers. He is the sister of Charity and her maker which is one of his biggest regrets in life.


When attending the same party he befriends Bianca who he asks to the Autumn Ball. There, he, Lucas and Bianca get into an argument, and while Balthazar leaves them alone Bianca gives in to temptation and bites Lucas, drinking his blood.

Bianca mentions that one of Lucas' ancestors went to Evernight, although no humans have ever been previously accepted to the school, except a Black Cross member. Her parents and Balthazar realize this and attack, but Lucas holds his own against the two vampires and they chase him off campus.

Bianca's parents turn up and take her back home along with Balthazar who do not understand.


Bianca goes into Amherst and is walking along to find Lucas when a young vampire girl joins her in her walk. When she sneaks back, Balthazar catches her. In an attempt to reason with Balthazar and make sure he does not tell Mrs. Bethany about her visit, she mentions the vampire girl who turns out to be Balthazar's sister. Soon Bianca and Balthazar make an arrangement; they pretend to be dating so Balthazar could get her off campus, since he is a trusted student, so she could meet Lucas while in return Bianca and Lucas help Balthazar find his sister, Charity which they do. She is now part of a clan and blames Balthazar for killing her.


Mrs. Bethany stages a break in to the Black Cross cell along with several members of staff and Balthazar, wanting to take Bianca back to her parents. In the attack Balthazar is captured and tied up by Black Cross who begin to torture him to find out why Mrs. Bethany attacked Black Cross. Bianca and Lucas begin orchestrating Balthazar's escape which they do so without getting caught.

Lucas finds a rogue vampire in the city they are staying in, but after following him to a hotel room he realizes that Charity, Balthazar's sister, is staying close by with her clan who the rogue vampire belongs to. He escapes and later he and Bianca tell Balthazar that Charity is near by.

Balthazar asks Lucas, Ranulf and Vic to assist him in killing charity. Charity pins down Lucas before draining his blood killing him. Charity leaves and Balthazar and Ranulf arrive who tell Bianca of Lucas's fate, he will become a vampire.


Balthazar and Ranulf assist Lucas as he rises from the dead. Balthazar insists that Lucas return to Evernight to help him conquer his bloodlust.

Balthazar assists Lucas several times through out the year including stopping Charity invading Lucas's dreams by entering Charity's dreams and making her swear to stop. While in Charity's dreams he and Bianca see a house with smoke emitting from the chimney. He tells Bianca that it is the house of a girl he loved but thinks it best he did not visit her through dreams. Balthazar also helps Bianca agreeing to help her set free the trapped wraiths and put a stop to Mrs. Bethany's plans once and for all.

A battle ensues with the vampires who planned to help murder Bianca and her fellow wraiths and friends. Lucas is gravely wounded but Bianca drinks his blood and he drinks hers. There blood infuses and Lucas is resurrected to human life. Bianca offers the same cure for vampirism to Balthazar although he refuses after reflection on the possibility of becoming human once again.


He is soon to star in his own spinoff novel entitled Balthazar about his life, death and adventures following. It will be released in March 2012.[1]

Mrs. Bethany

Charlotte Bethany is the lead antagonist of the series and is a very old vampire who is afraid of change. She is the headmistress of Evernight Academy which is her home and life which he has continued running for many years. She worked at Black Cross and became a vampire after her husband was murdered. She did it so that she could have the power to seek revenge as her colleagues refused to help her find the men who murdered her husband and took his money. She was later reunited with her husband who had become a wraith and to his surprise accepted him for who he was just as the roof of her cottage collapsed killing them both.

Vic Woodson

Vic Woodson is the friend of Bianca and Lucas and Lucas's room mate in Evernight. He is a human student at Evernight Academy and is allowed entry because his house is haunted by a wraith called Maxine. He later figures out that many of the students at Evernight are vampires and even though he is wary he reasons if they wanted to harm him they could have done so already. He strikes up a friendship with Ranulf White and later becomes his roommate as well as allowing him to stay with him over the school holidays. His surname is never revealed in the books (until Hourglass/Afterlife) although it is confirmed on Gray's official site.[2]

Raquel Vargas

Raquel Vargas is the friend and room mate of Bianca and girlfriend of Dana. She is stalked by Erich in her first year until he is killed by Lucas. She was haunted by a wraith who lived in her house so she left to live in Evernight. She was also raped by the wraith and haunted in her dreams by him. She went to work for Black Cross after discovering vampires existence when Evernight was attacked by Charity as well as Black Cross. She reported Bianca to Kate Ross when she realized that Bianca was a half vampire but was later forgiven by her and left Black Cross with Dana. She agreed to help Bianca and Lucas leave Evernight after they destroyed the traps set by Mrs. Bethany for the wraiths.

Ranulf White

Ranulf White is a student at Evernight Academy. He is Vic and Balthazar's friend and later Vic's roommate. He enjoys playing chess with Vic. Ranulf does not understand modern technology and speaks in a very old fashioned manner. He joins Balthazar in trying to kill Charity after he returns from holiday with Vic. When Lucas rises for the first time, Ranulf helps him by getting him blood and through his initial bloodlust. Ranulf agrees to help Bianca to find the traps set for wraiths by Mrs. Bethany.

Charity More

Charity More is Balthazar's sister who has now become a brutal killer and part of a tribe after she was turned by Balthazar. She wants to cause pain to others and later causes a fight between Black Cross and Evernight's vampires. She kills Lucas and turns him into a vampire in Hourglass and in Afterlife continues to haunt him through his dreams which can be done by a creator although it takes a lot of energy and the vampire has to sleep for many hours to do so. Balthazar later stops her doing so by going into her dreams.

Kate Ross

Kate Ross is Lucas's mother and one of the leaders of Black Cross. She does not accept him when he becomes a vampire and also tries to kill Bianca when she finds out she is half vampire. She does not treat vampires as people and calls Lucas a monster who is no longer her son but her son should be at peace.

Minor Characters

Patrice Deveraux

Patrice Deveraux is Bianca's room mate who appears to be one of the typical Evernight types, although Bianca realizes she is not. She appears to be very materialistic. She helps Bianca get ready for dates with Lucas. She does not appear in Stargazer as she is skiing with her new boyfriend, although she reappears in Afterlife and captures Bianca (who is now a wraith) using a mirror. She later helps Bianca by finding and destroying the traps set by Mrs. Bethany.

Maxine O'Connor

Maxine is the wraith who lives in Vic's attic. She wears a night gown and often appears to Bianca asking her to come to see Christopher. She is the first wraith Bianca meets after she dies and she is later almost killed when she is captured by Mrs. Bethany but is freed by Christopher who sacrifices himself for her.


Dana is a member of Black Cross and a friend to Lucas. She seems too nice to be Black Cross to Bianca and was Lucas's best friend through his childhood. She is one of the few people who accepts Lucas when he becomes a vampire. Dana is in a relationship with Raquel.


Courtney is a student at Evernight and is another one of the Evernight type according to Bianca. She is a bully towards the human students and enjoys taunting Raquel about money. Later Bianca realizes she is a bully because she envies the human students. When Courtney finds out about Bianca and Balthazar leaving school she is staked by Charity who then decapitates her before leaving.

Celia Olivier

Celia Olivier is Bianca's mother and Adrian's wife. She tells her daughter that she's her miracle baby and gives her a very sheltered life not telling her how she was truly born. Bianca worries that now she has become a wraith her mother will not accept her. She finally does and helps Bianca help the wraiths and stop Mrs. Bethany capturing them.

Adrian Olivier

Adrian Olivier is Bianca's Father and Celia's husband. He is very protective of Bianca and fights with Lucas when he realizes he is part of Black Cross even trying to kill him. He realizes Bianca is a wraith when he is trying to capture a wraith that almost kills him, Bianca comes to help him and goes to Vic and Patrice for help. He later tells Celia that Bianca is now a wraith and helps Bianca stop Mrs. Bethany capturing wraiths.

Mr. Wantanabe

Mr Wantanabe is part of Black Cross and one of the oldest members. He is killed in the battle with Charity.


Eduardo is Lucas's step-father and a leader of Black Cross. He is not accepted by Lucas. He is killed by Mrs. Bethany who snaps his neck.


Erich is a student at Evernight Academy and is the typical Evernight type according to Bianca. He stalks Raquel by stealing her possessions and scratching on her roof at the night to scare her. He eventually dies after fighting with Lucas who he at first thinks is not a threat until Lucas kills him.

Mr Yee

Mr Yee is the technology teacher at Evernight Academy. He teaches vampires about modern life devices and he also teaches Bianca and other students drivers' education
